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Transferring Equipment

You can transfer equipment records between branches, locations, and divisions. Additionally, you can transfer equipment inventory items to another site and move fixed assets to different accounts and locations. When transferring equipment to a different location, you can generate a transport request.

  1. Select Transactions > Equipment > Equipment Transfer.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Equipment ID
      Enter an equipment ID.
    • Current
      If there are values in the Branch, Location, Operating Location, Owning Location, and Division fields, you can mark the checkboxes to enable the Transfer To column fields.
    • Transfer To
      Use the lookup fields to select the destination Branch, Location, Operating Location, Owning Location, and Division.
    • Inventory, Site ID
      If the equipment record or its attachments are linked to an inventory item, this field will be enabled. Mark the checkbox and enter a site ID to create and post an item transfer entry in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Attachments will appear as line items in the Item Transfer Entry window.
    • Fixed Assets, Account Group ID, Physical Location ID, Location ID
      If Fixed Assets is registered and the piece of equipment is linked to a fixed asset record, mark the checkbox and enter an Account Group ID, Physical Location ID, and Location ID for the fixed asset.
    • Location, Transport Request, Customer ID, Job Category ID
      If you marked the Location checkbox, the Transport Request field will be enabled. Mark the checkbox and enter a customer ID and job category ID. A transport request will be created.
  3. Select Transfer.
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