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Transferring Attachments and Subattachments

Attachments and subattachments can be recorded for a piece of equipment on the Attachments tab in the Equipment Manager window. These attachments and subattachments may be inventory items. Attachments and subattachments must be created from the Attachments tab before attachment or subattachment transfers can be processed. You can perform four types of transfers:

  • Swap (two-way transfer) attachments or subattachments between two pieces of equipment
  • Swap (two-way transfer) attachments or subattachments between equipment and inventory
  • Transfer attachments or subattachments from inventory to a piece of equipment
  • Transfer attachments or subattachments from a piece of equipment to inventory stock

Processing an attachment transfer transaction has three important results:

  • Equipment attachments are updated on the Attachments tab in the Equipment Manager window.
  • The inventory quantity transfer, from one inventory site to another, is recorded.
  • A general ledger transaction is generated to transfer the value of the attachments. In some cases, the debit and credit values for this general ledger transaction may be directed to the same general ledger account, but posting moves costs in the Profitability Analysis module from one piece of equipment to another. This journal may be generated directly from the transfer or may come via the inventory transfer transaction.
  1. Select Transactions > Equipment > Attachment Transfers.
  2. Select the Transfer Type from the drop-down list at the bottom of the window. The window will change based on your selection.
  3. Enter an Equipment ID(s), depending on what transfer type you've chosen.
  4. Select the attachment and enter the Item Number, Serial Number, and Site ID as appropriate based on the transfer type chosen.
  5. Select Transfer.
  6. Post the General Ledger batch. It is named "ESTFR".
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