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Generating General Journal Entries

The processing of the lease invoices will create different journal entries than the Dynamics Receivables scheduled payments. In the example below, a payment schedule has been created for a schedule amount of $10,000, 10% compound interest, 2 monthly payments, and a residual value of $1.00.

The invoicing for the first invoice will generate the following general journal entries:


Accounts Receivable



Financing Accounts Receivable



Unearned Interest (Balance Sheet)



Interest Income



The invoicing routine for the second invoice will generate the following general journal entries:


Accounts Receivable



Financing Accounts Receivable



Unearned Interest (Balance Sheet)



Interest Income



The processing of the lease will generate the following general journal entries:


Financing Accounts Receivable



Accounts Receivable



Unearned Interest (Balance Sheet)



The sale of the asset (assuming asset cost is $19,000) will generate the following general journal entries:


Accounts Receivable



Accumulated Receivable



Unearned Interest (Balance Sheet)



Interest Income



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