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About Rental Distribution Percentages

You can specify what percentage of ownership is attributed to each owning and renting branch and each owning and renting division, and split the revenue accordingly. For example, 35% may go to the owning branch and 65% to the renting branch. 

You can also specify what percentage of revenue is assigned to each account, for each account type. For example, you might have two accounts set up on an agreement line for the account type called Rate; 50% can be distributed to one Rate account and 50% to the other Rate account. You can do the same for the remaining rental account types: Insurance, Overage, and Markdown.

For one Rate account, the owning branch would get 35% of the 50% share, or 17.5% of the total. The renting branch would get 65% of 50%, or 32.5%. The distributions would be the same for the second Rate account, since that too is set up for 50%.

If the owning and renting branches are different, branches will take precedence over divisions for the percent on ownership calculation. If the owning and renting branches are the same, the owning division percentages will be used.

See for About Account Masking for sample account distribution scenarios.

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