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Viewing Events and Scores

Events and Scores show the score for the portfolio, each agent, and each device that has a Watchdog associated with its profile. When you first access the Events and Scoring dashboard, the portfolio displays. Choose the arrow to display the agent. The profile and agent score(s) displayed on the top left of the window. The initial display is the profile score.  The current score displays as well as a colored bar. The colors of the bar displayed are directly related to the score. This gives you a quick visual of the profile scores. 

  • Green - The score is within a good range.
  • Yellow - The score is within the intermediate range.
  • Red - The score is low.

To access Events and Scoring:

  1. Choose the drop-down to the right of the Event Notifications  icon.
  2. Choose Events and Scoring to display an overview of the current portfolio scores in the top left of the window.
  3. To view the agent scores, choose the Root right arrow to display a score for all agents. Choose the arrow next to Agents to expand the agent list.
  4. To view equipment scores, choose the right arrow to drop down the equipment list, and then choose an equipment item.
  5. In the right pane, the Scoring tab displays three sections for the device selected: 

    • The top section displays a list of the event triggers and their current score value.
    • The middle section displays the date and time (based on the designated intervals) of score values. You can choose a specific date/time and scroll horizontally to view each score. Additionally, when you choose the date/time, the black vertical line moves to that exact date/time on the chart.
    • The bottom section displays a graph that shows the device scores by date/time. You can choose the scores to show/hide in the section directly above the chart. You can choose a specific date/time in the chart by clicking with your mouse. Doing so will also change the date/time that is selected in the table above. Hover your mouse over the chart for a specific time/date a pop-up displays the values of all monitored objects at that point in time.
  6. Choose the Events tab displays two sections of event information for the device selected. 

    • The top section displays event trigger information.
    • The bottom section shows a visual display of event active time durations. Placing the pointer on a bar will show a pop-up containing the object name, event start/end time, and the duration of the event.
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