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Scanning a BACnet Network

To allow a Connect MiniAgent to retrieve data from the BACnet, the IP information needs to be set up. This requires the basic Scanning BAS Networks steps and finding which BACnet device is the BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device).

  1. In Connect, choose the Configuration Explorer icon. 
  2. From the tree, choose Agents. Right-click on the agent name and choose Properties

  3. Choose Edit in Connection Settings. 

  4. Enter the unique Device ID, choose BACnet IP and then choose OK

  5. Choose the BACnet IP Settings tab and enter the IP address of the BACnet device that has been assigned to be the BBMD (if applicable), otherwise leave blank and choose OK

  6. Choose the Home icon, choose the Agent and then choose Restart

  7. Choose the Configuration Explorer icon.
  8. Choose Scan, choose Scan Network, and enter the Device Range

  9. Choose OK.
  10. Choose Scan Network.
  11. If the result returned BACnet devices then the deployment was successful.
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