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Pass/Fail Reports

  1. In Connect, choose the drop-down arrow to the right of the Reports icon. 

  2. Choose New Report

  3. In the New Report window, choose Pass/Fail Reports and then choose Finish

  4. In the Edit Pass/Fail Report window, on the Scorecards tab, choose Import

  5. In the Select Scorecard window, choose either an existing Scorecard report or a Watchdog.
  6. On the Properties tab, the source of the scoring displays. The scoring criteria is not editable in this window, however, you can edit this in the source Scorecard or Watchdog. 

    • When Scorecard Report is selected, the scoring criteria is copied from the selected Scorecard report.
    • When Watchdog is selected, the scoring criteria will be copied from the selected Watchdog.
  7. Choose the Scoring tab. 

  8. The Scoring Expression names and Percent of Total Score display. This information can be edited in the source Scorecard or Watchdog.
  9. Choose OK.
  10. Choose the Report Options tab. 

  11. The Report Options window provides the ability to customize the Pass/Fail report TitleSubtitleimage, and labels. This allows you to design a customized Pass/Fail report with clear identification of the report's source and purpose. It also provides for personalized labeling and branding.
  12. Choose the Summary Edit button to add a summary that can be individualized for each report and/or customer.
  13. Choose OK.
  14. Choose the Misc tab.
  15. To edit the Date Range, choose Edit to set the range used in the report. 

  16. The Misc Options section provides the following options: 

    • Pass/Fail Minimum Passing Score
    • Red/Yellow/Green - The range can be adjusted by choosing the Settings icon in the menu bar.

      Changes to the Red/Yellow/Green range updates the Red/Yellow/Green ranges throughout the database.
    • You can optionally mark the Show Failed Device Names checkbox.
  17. Choose OK.

The Pass/Fail report can be exported to PDF by choosing the Export button in the report display.

Pass/Fail Report Screenshots

Download the Pass/Fail Reports training guide from Training Downloads.

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