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Created Manually

We recommend that you wait to choose OK in the Report Setup window until the report setup has been completed.

  1. Choose the drop-down arrow to the right of the Reports icon
  2. Choose New Report icon.
  3. In the New Report window, choose Standard Report

  4. Choose the profile that will be used in the report. 

  5. Choose Finish.
  6. In the Standard Report Editor window, on the Profile Objects tab, mark the checkboxes next to the objects to be included in the report. 

  7. Optional: Choose the External Objects tab to add objects that are not included in the selected profile. See External Objects for more information.
  8. Choose the Object Options tab.
  9. Arrange the desired order for the objects to be displayed in the report starting from the far-left column to the right. If you want any points to be charted when the report opens, select which axis to chart a point on. 

  10. Choose the Devices tab and mark the checkboxes next to the devices to include in the report. 

  11. Optional: Choose the Data Filter tab and then choose Edit

  12. Enter the data filter. A data filter will eliminate all results from the report that don't meet this set of conditions. 

  13. Choose OK.

  14. Optional: Choose the Format Expressions tab. Format Expressions add color to a row or cell indicating when a value of an object meets a specified condition. For example, space temperatures below set point could be blue and space temperatures above the set point could be red. 

  15. Optional: Choose the Event Chart Objects tab. Event Chart Objects chart when objects trigger certain defined events. See Event Chart Objects.
  16. Choose the Misc. Options. tab and complete the following fields: 

    • Minimum Number of Occurrences - Enter the minimum number of occurrences. If a filter was added, the report will only contain devices with this many or more samples. This can be used to filter out anomalies and report only devices with prolonged deviation from set point.
    • Aggregation Type - Choose the aggregation type: Hourly, Daily, All, or None.
    • Minimum/Maximum/Average/Sum Summary checkboxes - Check the desired boxes to display the minimum, maximum, average, and/or sum summary at the bottom of the report on each column. This can be useful, for example, to display the minimum, maximum, and average temperature of a device throughout the day.
    • Primary/Secondary Y Axis Title - Enter titles if desired for plotting objects.
    • Chart Type - Choose either a line chart or a scatter plot.
  17. Choose OK.
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