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Configuring a Johnson Controls Gateway

To allow a Connect MiniAgent to retrieve data from the NAE or NCE, the JCI Gateway database will need to be created within the Connect Gateway Manager Tool. This Gateway parses the objects within an NAE or NCE and creates BACnet virtual devices for all devices stored within the NAE or NCE controller. This allows the N2 devices communicating to the NAE or NCE to appear in Connect as multiple BACnet virtual devices.

  1. Navigate to the Connect Gateway Manager located at C:\Program Files (x86)\KEY2ACT\Connect2018 and double-click to launch. 

  2. Choose New Gateway.
  3. Choose OK.
  4. In the Database Type window, choose Johnson NAE Gateway and then choose OK. 

  5. Name the new database and choose Save.
  6. Choose BACnet settings

  7. In the BACnet Connections Settings window, choose a unique BACnet device ID (default is 70). 

  8. Choose the BACnet IP Settings tab.
  9. Enter the address of the NAE or NCE that has been designated to be the BBMD.
  10. Choose OK.
  11. Choose Scan Network.
  12. Choose Device Range and then choose OK

  13. After the scan completes, choose the discovered NAE or NCE, and then choose Scan Selected.
  14. Choose NameDescription, or BACnet Object name (usually scanning by name returns the desired result) and then choose OK

  15. After the scan completes, choose the devices with objects to trend and then choose Save and Close

  16. Choose Scan Selected.
  17. Close the Gateway Manager and open Connect.
  18. Choose the Configuration Explorer icon.
  19. Right-click the Agent that was previously created and choose Properties.
  20. Choose Edit next to Connection.
  21. Choose Gateway, choose Import Gateway.
  22. Navigate to the folder location of the gateway file you created and then Open

  23. Choose OK then choose Yes to have Connect automatically configure the agent. 

  24. Once the database configuration has been completed, choose OK.
  25. Choose the Home icon, choose the Agent, and then choose Restart

  26. Choose the Configuration Explorer icon and choose your Agent.
  27. Choose Scan, choose Scan Network, and then choose OK.The result displays BACnet virtual devices created from the Gateway Manager. 

  28. Choose Save and Close.
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