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Viewing the Executive Summary

The Executive Summary Dashboard displays automatically after login and is also accessible from the Company mega menu. This dashboard assists you in identifying high-priority issues that can be managed by exception to reduce time to quickly identify surface issues and improve energy, comfort, and more.

  • Use the filters above the tiles to limit the Executive Summary to a specific client or client and site as well as equipment type or system type.

  • Select the Open in Full icon in the top right corner of any tile to view a larger tile.

  • You can also rearrange the location of the tiles on the dashboard by dragging and dropping the tile(s).

  • To add or limit the tiles that display, select the Settings icon located at the top right of the displayed tiles. You are not limited to the number of tiles that display. You may need to refresh your browser after clicking out of the tiles list to see your changes. 

The Executive Summary currently includes interactive dashboard tiles that include, but are not limited to:

  • 10 Worst Performing Equipment/Systems:

    • View the 10 worst-performing equipment or systems along with the number of faults, how many High, Medium, and Low faults, and the score percentage.

    • Select the equipment/system name to zoom to the Equipment/System Dashboard.

  • Average Score: View the average score of all sites or all clients.

  • BAS Agent Connectivity: Displays current agent connectivity status and the number of total points polled from the agents to be able to quickly identify how agents are communicating within your BAS network.

  • Faults by Priority: Displays the high, medium, and low priority faults for the selected company based on the timeframe selected. If a single fault lasts longer than 1 day the fault displays as 1 fault per day.

  • Site Scores:

    • View all sites and their faults, High, Medium, and Low priorities, and the score percentage.

    • Select the site name to zoom to the Site Dashboard.

    • Click within the site row in the Site Score panel to filter the 10 Worst Performing Equipment by that site.

  • Faults by Rule: Displays the rule name, issue type for the rule, and the number of current faults for the rule.

  • Faults by Site: View the sites with faults on a map. You can zoom in or out to see more detail.

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