Imports customer data specific to Signature and validates the data substantially like the Signature Customer Maintenance window. Other data fields in this window specific to GP may be imported using eConnect.
Element Name | Data Type | Length | Required | Default | Description | ||
@I_vCustomerNumber | char | 15 | No | Yes | Customer Number is checked to determine if this is a create or an update. If the field is null or empty the next auto-generated Customer Number from Service Setup - Service Options - Auto Generate Numbers Setup is used. If the Auto Generate numbers in Service are not setup and the field is empty or null the record is rejected. Also convert to upper | x | SV00100SV00200eC -RM00101sv00015 - Branch MSTRSV00199 - Auto Number MSTR |
@I_vCustomerName | char | 65 | Yes |
| Not required on updates. | x | eC |
@I_vCustomerClassID | char | 15 | No |
| Null orExisting Class ID in RM00201This will pull all the information from the classID into this customer's data. |
| eCRM00201.CLASSID |
@I_vService Branch | char | 15 | Yes |
| Existing Branch in sv00015. Only required if 'Use Global Record Identification Records' is marked on in Service.Not required on updates | x | SV00100sv00196.Record= 1check sv00196.Service_Option_Box_5 ("Use Global Record Identification Filters")sv00015.Branch_Name- (Branch Master table) is unique or use the combination of Wennsoft_Affiliate,Wennsoft_Region, Wennsoft_Branch (these three make the Primary Key) |
@I_vAddressCode | char | 15 | Yes |
| Converted to upper case.Not required if update.Created or updated in RM00102 | x | RM00102RM00101 |
@I_vLocationName | char | ? | Yes |
| Not required on updates. | x |
@I_vAddress1 | char | 61 | No |
| x |
@I_vAddress2 | char | 61 | No |
| x |
@I_vAddress3 | char | 61 | No |
| x |
@I_vCountry | char | 61 | No |
| x |
@I_vCity | char | 35 | No |
| x |
@I_vState | char | 29 | No |
| x |
@I_vZip | char | 11 | No |
| x |
@I_vPhone1 | char | 21 | No | Yes | Defaults to zero.Is right padded to fill with zerosNot formatted (i.e. 262-821-4100 Ext: 3619 would be 26282141003619) | x |
@I_vPhone2 | char | 21 | No | Yes | Defaults to zero.Is right padded to fill with zerosNot formatted (i.e. 262-821-4100 Ext: 3619 would be 26282141003619) | x |
@I_vPhone3 | char | 21 | No | Yes | Defaults to zero.Is right padded to fill with zerosNot formatted (i.e. 262-821-4100 Ext: 3619 would be 26282141003619) | x |
@I_vFax | char | 21 | No |
| Defaults to zero.Not formatted. | x |
@I_vUserID | char | 15 | N |
| If empty or null a truncated SQL Server login is used | x | SV00100 |
@I_vTechnicianID | char | 15 | N |
| Technician ID in SV_Lookup_Technician_MSTR | x | SV00100SV00115.Technician (this table maps a technician to either:UPR00100.EMPLOYID orPM00200.VENDORID) |
@I_vTechnicianTeam | char | 15 | N |
| Typically empty. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vCorporateCustomerNumber | char | 15 | No |
| Only available if 'Use Corporate Customer ID' option is marked in Service Setup - Service Options.Converted to upper case. | x | RM00101.CUSTNMBRwhere sv00196_Service_Option_Box_4 =1 and Record=1 |
@I_vPORequired | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vContactPerson | char | 61 | No |
| x |
@I_vContactName | char | 15 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vContactPerson2 | char | 15 | No |
| Only available if the option 'Show Location Contact Fields' is marked in Service Setup.Don't validate ? | x | SV00200 |
@I_vSalespersonID | char | 15 | N |
| Existing SalespersonID in RM00301 | x | RM00301.SLSPRSNID |
@I_vLaborRateGroup | char | 15 | Yes |
| Existing Labor Rate Group in SV000122 or SV000123 (if "Use Overhead Amounts From Job Cost" Service_Option_Box_35 is marked in sv00196 SV_Setup2_MSTR).Convert to uppercaseNot required on update | x | SV00200if sv00196.Record = 1 and sv00196.Service_Option_Box_35 = 0 then check SV000122.Labor_Group_Nameif sv00196.Record = 1 and sv00196.Service_Option_Box_35 = 1 then check SV000123.Labor_Group_Name |
@I_vPriceMatrix | char | 15 | Yes |
| Existing PriceMatrix in SV00143Convert to uppercaseNot required on update | x | SV00200SV00143.Pricing_Matrix_Name |
@I_vCustomerType | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vCustomerSource | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vBlanketPOCheckbox | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vBlanketPONumber | char | 17 | N |
| Not validated. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vOriginalBlanketPOAmount | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| >= 0. Not available on updates. Typically zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vBlanketPOAmountSpent | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| >= 0. Not available on updates. Typically zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vBlanketPOAmountRemainin | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| > = 0. Not available on updates. Typically zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vBlanketPOExpirationDate | datetime |
| N |
| valid dex date | x | SV00100 |
@I_vUserDefine1a | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vUserDefine2a | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vUserDefine3a | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vUserDefine4a | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vUserDefine5a | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vUserDefine6a | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine1 | char | 21 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine2 | char | 21 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine3 | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine4 | char | 31 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine5 | int | 10 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine6 | int | 10 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine7 | int | 10 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine8 | int | 10 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine9 | datetime |
| N |
| valid dex date | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine10 | datetime |
| N |
| valid dex date | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine11 | datetime |
| N |
| valid dex date | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine12 | datetime |
| N |
| valid dex date | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine18 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| bool | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine19 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| bool | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine20 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| bool | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine21 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| bool | x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine22 | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine23 | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine24 | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vServiceUserDefine25 | numeric | 19,5 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vTimeZone | char | 3 | No |
| Defaults to zeroOnly available if 'Enable Time Zone Views' is marked in Service Setup - Service Options.NOT USED- Don't Validate | x | SV00100sv000196.Service_Option_Box_49 |
@I_vTimeZoneTag | char | 5 | N |
| Existing time zone tag in SV00045 | x | SV00100SV00045.Time_Zone_Tag |
@I_vSVLanguageID | smallint | 5 | N |
| Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vSupervisorsID | char | 15 | N |
| Existing EmpID??? Payroll Supervisor Master is UPR41700. | x | SV00100UPR41700.SUPERVISORCODE_I |
@I_vHoldTransactionID | int | 10 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB1 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB2 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB3 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB4 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB5 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB6 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB7 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB8 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB9 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedCB10 | tinyint | 3 | N |
| Bool. Defaults to zero. | x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedSTR1 | char | 11 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vWSReservedSTR2 | char | 11 | N |
| x | SV00100 |
@I_vUpdateIfExists tinyint = 0, | tinyint | 3 | No | Yes | Defaults to true. | x |
@I_vWennSoftTablesOnly tinyint = 0, | tinyint | 3 | No | Yes | Defaults to false. | x |
@I_vOnlyValidate tinyint = 0, | tinyint | 3 | No | Yes | Defaults to false | x |
@I_vUSRDEFND1 char(50)='', | char | 50 | No |
| x |
@I_vUSRDEFND2 char(50)='', | char | 50 | No |
| x |
@I_vUSRDEFND3 char(50)='', | char | 50 | No |
| x |
@I_vUSRDEFND4 varchar(8000)='', | varchar | 8000 | No |
| x |
@I_vUSRDEFND5 varchar(8000)='', | varchar | 8000 | No |
| x |
@I_vReturnErrorText tinyint = 0, | tinyint | 3 | No | Yes | Defaults to false | x |
@O_iErrorState int=0 OUTPUT, | int | 10 | Yes |
| x |
@oErrString varchar(255) = '' OUTPUT | varchar | 255 | Yes |
| x |
Other fields set automatically |
WennsoftAffiliate | char | 15 | N |
| calc | SV00100 |
WennsoftRegion | char | 15 | N |
| calc | SV00100 |
Other fields not included but listed for reference |
CustomerClass | char | 15 | No |
ParentCustomerID | ? | ? | No |
| Existing Customer ID in RM00101 |
StatementName | char | 65 | No |
| If empty default with Name |
ShortName | char | 15 | No |
| If null then the Customer Name is used. |
UPSZone | char | 3 | No |
ShippingMethod | char | 15 | No |
| Existing Shipping Method in xxx |
TaxScheduleID | char | 15 | No |
| Existing Tax Schedule ID in xxx |
PrimaryBilltoAddressCode | char | 15 | No |
| Existing Address Code in RM00102 |
PrimaryShiptoAddressCode | char | 15 | No |
| Existing Address Code in RM00102 |
StatementAddressCode | char | 15 | No |
| Existing Address Code in RM00102 |
CheckbookID | char | 15 | No |
| Existing Checkbook ID in xxx |
PaymentTermsID | char | 21 | No |
| Existing Payment Terms in xxx |
CreditLimitType | smallint | 5 | No |
| Existing CreditLimitType |
CreditLimitAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| Positive amt., dependent on type |
CreditLimitPeriod | smallint | 5 | No |
| valid period |
CreditLimitPeriodAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| Positive amt. |
CurrencyID | char | 15 | No |
| set to func currID | calc |
RateTypeID | char | 15 | No |
| set to empty (none) | calc |
ServiceArea | ? | ? | No |
| Existing Service Area in xxx | SV00220.Service_Area |
PrimaryTech | ? | ? | No |
| Existing TechnicianID in SV00115 | SV00115.Technician |
SecondaryTech | ? | ? | No |
| Existing TechnicianID in SV00115 | SV00115.Technician |
CustomerDiscount | smallint | 5 | No |
| Min 0, max 10000 (where 10000 is 100.00%) |
PriceLevel | char | 11 | No |
| Existing Price Level in xxx |
MinimumPaymentType | smallint | 5 | No |
| Existing MinimumPaymentType |
MinimumPaymentDollar | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| Positive amt. , dependent on type |
MinimumPaymentPercent | smallint | 5 | No |
| Min 0, max 10000 (where 10000 is 100.00%) |
FinanceChargeAmtType | smallint | 5 | No |
| Valid Type |
FinanceChargePercent | smallint | 5 | No |
| Min 0, max 10000 (where 10000 is 100.00%) |
FinanceChargeDollar | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| Positive amt., dependent on type |
MaximumWriteoffType | smallint | 5 | No |
| Valid Type |
MaxWriteoffAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| Positive amt., dependent on type |
Division | ? | ? | No |
| Existing service Division in xxx |
ServiceCallPriority | char | 1 | No |
Comment1 | char | 31 | No |
Comment2 | char | 31 | No |
UserDefined1 | char | 21 | No |
UserDefined2 | char | 21 | No |
TaxExempt1 | char | 25 | No |
TaxExempt2 | char | 25 | No |
TaxRegistrationNumber | char | 25 | No |
BalanceType | smallint | 5 | No |
| Valid Type |
StatementCycle | smallint | 5 | No |
| Valid Statement Cycle |
BankName | char | 31 | No |
BankBranch | char | 21 | No |
SalesTerritory | char | 15 | No |
| Existing TerritoryID in xxx |
DefaultCashAccountType | smallint | 5 | No |
| Valid account type |
RMCashAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMARAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMSalesAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMIVAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMCostOfSalesAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMDiscountsTakenAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMDiscountsAvailAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMFinanceChargeAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMWriteoffAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
RMSalesOrderReturnsAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
| Existing posting account index |
FirstInvoiceDate | datetime |
| No |
| Valid dex date, Ignore time |
Inactive | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
Hold | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
CreditCardID | char | 15 | No |
| Existing CCID from xxx |
CreditCardNumber | char | 21 | No |
CreditCardExpDate | datetime |
| No |
| Valid dex date, Ignore time |
KeepDistributionHistory | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
KeepCalendarHistory | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
KeepPeriodHistory | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
KeepTrxHistory | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
NoteIndex | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| Unvalidated |
CreatedDate | datetime |
| No |
| Valid dex date, if empty current date will be used |
RevalueCustomer | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
PostResultsTo | smallint | 5 | No |
| valid option |
FinanceChargeID | char | 15 | No |
GovernmentalCorporateID | char | 31 | No |
GovernmentalIndividualID | char | 31 | No |
DiscountGracePeriod | smallint | 5 | No |
| Defaults to zero. |
DueDateGracePeriod | smallint | 5 | No |
| Defaults to zero. |
DocumentFormatID | char | 15 | No |
SendEmailStatements | tinyint | 3 | No |
| bool |
UserLanguageID | smallint | 5 | No |
| set to (none) |
GPSFOIntegrationID | char | 31 | No |
IntegrationSource | smallint | 5 | No |
IntegrationID | char | 31 | No |
OrderFulfillmentShortageDefault | smallint | 5 | No |
CustomerPriority | smallint | 5 | No |
| Defaults to 1 (None) |
CountryCode | char | 7 | No |
| Existing Country Code in xxx |
DeclarantID | char | 15 | No |
RMOverpaymentWriteoffAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
ShipCompleteDocument | tinyint | 3 | No |
| Defaults to zero (no). |
CashBasedVAT | tinyint | 3 | No |
IncludeinDemandPlanning | tinyint | 3 | No |
ServiceLevelID | int | 10 | No |
| Existing Service Level ID in xxx |