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Subcontractor Transaction Detail

If you are using Purchase Order Processing, this report shows all invoices and payments made against a vendor purchase order, including retention billings and withholding, voids, and credit memos. This allows you to easily keep track of details such as a subcontractor's insurance coverage and the amount of retention withheld and released for single- or multiple-line purchase orders. In addition, tracking the amount invoiced enables you to keep a running total amount paid as well as the total contract balance. This report is not currently designed to work if you use tax on Contract Agreements.

For credit memos and invoices to appear correctly on the SRS Subcontractor Detail Report, the following steps must have been taken during Payables Transaction Entry:

  • The original PO number for a credit memo or invoice must have been entered in the Payables Transaction Entry window.
  • A credit memo must have been distributed and posted to the job associated with the original purchasing transaction (Invoice/Shipment or Invoice Match) using the original subcontractor cost code associated with that job.
  • A credit memo must have been applied to the document created by the original purchasing transaction.
To display purchase order payment information correctly, we recommend having just one line per PO, but if you have multiple lines, each line must have its own receipt and each receipt must have its own invoice.

This report can be filtered by job, vendor, division, date, vendor type (subcontractors or non-subcontractor vendors), and transaction type (PO or AP). You can sort the information returned on this report by job then vendor or vendor then job, as well as by document date or payments following the invoice.

You can also select to show receipt line detail or a summary of vendor transactions only. This report can be printed from the Job Transaction Inquiry - Vendor window (Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status > Vendor).

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