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Rounding Problem Utility

The Rounding Problem utility resolves a rounding issue between Service Management and Microsoft Dynamics GP that existed in versions 3.15b03 and earlier. On occasion, a service invoice would post to the RM Open file with a fraction of one cent. When this happened, payments were not fully applied. Therefore, paid transaction removal would fail, leaving these transactions in the RM Open File rather than the RM_History table. Microsoft Dynamics GP would not clear out these transactions because it did not see them as fully applied. This utility clears any fraction of pennies from the Current Trx Amount and Original Trx Amount fields in the RM Open file. Then the transaction is considered to be fully applied and can be moved to the RM_History table.

  1. Select Signature Utilities > File Maintenance Utilities > Service Management > Rounding Problem.
  2. Select Preview to view the transactions that will be affected.
  3. Select Proceed to run the utility.
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