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Creating Equipment Records Using the Multi-Add Button

You can create multiple equipment records based on one existing record in the Equipment window. The multi-add feature isn't available for equipment covered by a maintenance contract or for component equipment records.

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager > Additional > Equipment. Select the equipment and then select Edit. 
    - OR - 
    Select Cards > Sales > Customer > Location > Equipment.
  2. In the Equipment Master window, select Multi-Add.
  3. Enter the new equipment record's ID in the first row of fields in the Multi-Add window. Select a PrefixStarting ID #, and Quantity.
  4. Enter any additional information common to all the pieces of equipment. If you marked the Require Same Equipment Type for Groups checkbox in the Service Options window, then the Equipment Type field defaults from the current equipment record and cannot be edited. See Choosing Service Options .
  5. Select Create.

Group indicator appears in the upper right corner of the Equipment window, indicating that this equipment record is the lead item in a group of items. The Items in Group field indicates the number of items in the group.

To access a specific item in this group, select the lookup window in the Items in Group field and select the item in the Equipment Group Items window. This opens the Equipment window with the individual item's unique ID as the Equipment ID. Information specific to this item, such as the equipment serial number, can be added in this window.

When the Equipment window for a group item is open, the Group field appears. An Item indicator appears in the upper right corner of the window, giving a visual cue that this piece of equipment is an item within a group.

In the Equipment lookup window, the field before the Equipment ID field displays a visual cue, indicating whether the equipment record is a lead item in a group, a group item, a single item, or a component or has components.

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