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Creating Equipment Records Using the Copy Button

You can quickly create equipment records for items that are similar but not part of a group. The copy feature is not available with component records.

If you copy a record that is the main item in a group, only the main group item copies. Also, if you copy an equipment record that belongs to a maintenance contract, the maintenance contract information will not copy. To make the new record part of the maintenance contract, you must add it.

To copy equipment:

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager > Additional > Equipment. Select the equipment and then select Edit. OR Select Cards > Sales > Customer > Location > Equipment.
  2. In the Equipment Master window, select Copy.
  3. In the message window "Do you want to copy this equipment?", select Copy to continue or select Cancel to return to the Equipment Master window.
  4. The Equipment ID field clears, but all other information remains. Enter a new equipment ID and make edits to any fields as necessary.
  5. Select Save.
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