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Creating a Warranty Transaction

To create a warranty transaction in the Sales Transaction Entry window, select the ID that is defined as a warranty transaction type to track a warranty transaction.

  1. Select Transactions > Sales > Sales Transaction Entry.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Type
      Select the type of transaction you are creating: Quote, Order, or Invoice.
    • Type ID
      Select the warranty ID that was defined as a warranty transaction.
    • Customer ID
      Select the customer who is receiving the replacement item.
    • Customer PO Number
      You can use this field to enter the warranty claim number.
  3. After you select the Type ID and customer, the following modifications occur to process the sales transaction as a warranty transaction:
  4. The customer entered in the Sales Transaction Entry window who is returning the part will display on the transaction, however, once the warranty invoice is posted, the customer entered in the Warranty Parts Setup window can be billed.
  5. The tax schedule fills from the Warranty Parts setup window; if no Tax Schedule ID was assigned to the Invoice ID, the tax schedule defaults based on the customer.
  6. The Salesperson and Territory that would normally default for a sale are removed when you transfer a warranty quote or a warranty order to a warranty invoice. These fields will be empty if you view the Sales Commission Entry window using the Commissions button for the warranty invoice.
  7. The transaction cannot be linked to a service call or job, and the option to do so no longer appears in the Sales User-Defined Fields Entry window (User-Defined button).
  8. When you enter the Item Number of the replacement part, you may need to:
  9. Change the Unit Price if the amount that will be refunded for the item under warranty is different than its sale price. If the unit price is zeroed out, the COGS and Inventory will still contain the dollar values and will post with the invoice.

  10. Verify the quantity to transfer is correct. Select the Show/Hide button to display the Quantity to Order or Quantity to Invoice. The segments from each of the account masks or account substitutions that you defined in warranty parts setup overwrite the default posting accounts for the line item. Use the Distributions button if you need to manually enter any accounts or view the posting accounts for the line item.  If the account that is created by the mask does not exist, the default account will be used.

  11. To complete the transaction entry:
    • Quote
      Enter a batch ID, select Action, and then select Transfer.
    • Order
      Enter a batch ID, select Action, and then select Transfer.
    • Invoice
      Select Action, and then select Post.
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