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Copying Job Records

You can copy an existing job to save time. Use this feature to create a prototype or template job. Information from the existing (or template) job, including cost code, revenue codes, and estimate amounts, copies to the new job record.

  1. Select Cards > Job Cost > Job.
  2. Select a Job to copy and select Copy.
  3. Select Copy to the message asking if you want to copy the job.
  4. Enter a new Job Number, Job Create Date, and Description.
  5. Select Copy. The new job record displays in the Job Maintenance window.
  6. Select Save.
  • Because estimates vary greatly from job to job, we recommend leaving the estimate fields empty for template jobs. Once the record is duplicated, you can enter new estimate amounts for the new job's cost codes.
  • Posted costs and committed costs are changed to $0.00.
  •  Information from the Job User-Defined window will not be copied to the new job.
  • If you are using the Percentage-of-Completion (POC) revenue recognition method, you may want to exclude template jobs from the POC calculation so that they do not appear on the POC entry or edit list. See Excluding a job from POC.
  • If you are using the Revenue Performance Obligation (RPO) revenue recognition method, revenue/cost codes added from a change order are not copied.

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